White’s Furniture Hydraulic Study & Storm Drain Improvements-Mebane
The project studied an unnamed tributary to Mill Creek in Mebane that drains 35 acres of downtown. The study consisted of conducting hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of stormwater runoff in the watershed, evaluating options for improving and protecting stormwater quality in the watershed, and preparing cost estimates of the options, providing recommendations, and preparing a final report. The project was funded through a Clean Water Management Trust Fund mini-grant and prepared recommendations that were intended to limit stream bank erosion, minimize flooding of commercial and residential area, and improve water quality through retrofit projects.
Project Manager: Darrell Russell, P.E.
Project Engineer (Study): Josh Johnson, P.E.
Asst. Project Engineer (Study): Kyle Smith, P.E.
Project Engineer (Design & Construction): Troy King, P.E.
Study Date: 2008
Design: 2015