NPDES Phase II Program Implementation – Thomasville
AWCK provides professional services to assist the City of Thomasville in the evaluation, development, and implementation of the six minimum control measures required of the City under their NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit. Through the Phase II Permit implementation AWCK provided services to implement an Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program which included mapping the City’s stormwater system, establish a Post Construction Stormwater Management Program, examine municipal operations to develop a Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program for Municipal Operations, create a Public Education Program, and to seek and incorporate Public Involvement. In addition to typical Phase II services, AWCK has assisted the City with investigating interactions of its surface waters with its wastewaters and has completed smoke testing, infiltration and inflow testing, and complete evaluations of two major watersheds within the City for wastewater and surface water interactions.
Project Engineer: Josh Johnson, P.E.
Asst. Project Engineer: Kyle Smith, P.E.
Asst. Project Engineer: Troy King, P.E.
Completion:Ongoing, beginning in 2006