Afton Street Culvert – Concord
Located in Concord, Afton Street is part of a Traditional Neighborhood. The subdivision is adjacent to Coddle Creek, a Municipal Park Complex and YMCA Facility. Coddle Creek is a FEMA regulated stream. As part of the Afton Village TND design, AWCK designed the street crossing of Coddle Creek. The design of the roadway crossing incorporated a 42-foot wide corrugated metal arch culvert which provides for a future greenway along the stream. The roadway consists of a curb and gutter section, sidewalks with decorative columns and lighting. Segmented block retaining walls were used to provide vertical embankments along the length of the roadway crossing of Coddle Creek to mimic the Blue Ridge Parkway appearance.
Project Manager: Jeffery D. Moody, P.E.
Completed: 2007
Estimated Cost: $500,000