Graham-Little Alamance Creek TMDL/Category 4B Demonstration

As the City of Graham’s representative, AWCK worked with the City of Burlington, NCDOT, and NC DWR to write a Category 4b Demonstration Project. Little Alamance Creek is impaired for benthic macroinvertebrates and the cities of Graham and Burlington, and NCDOT were facing an onerous TMDL for stormwater pollution. The Category 4b Plan replaces the TMDL while allowing the project partners (Burlington, Graham, and NCDOT) to write the terms of compliance while also improving water quality within the stream and remaining eligible for future funding options. The Category 4b Plan was approved by NC Division of Water Resources with a concurrence from US EPA in January 2015. The plan uses an alternative dashboard to measure interim compliance other than just aquatic life monitoring.

Project Manager: Franz Holt, P.E.
Project Engineer: Josh Johnson, P.E.
Completion: 2015