Board of Directors
Franz K. Holt, P.E.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager
Franz is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in Civil Engineering and has over 35 years of experience in civil/sanitary engineering and is the President of the Company, a corporate stockholder and one of the Board of Directors. He has served as project manager and project engineer for the following project types:
- City Engineer – City of Mebane
- Water projects
- Sewer projects
- Street design projects
- Sidewalk projects
- Subdivision design (residential and industrial)
- Storm drainage & Stormwater Detention
- Site and grading plans
- Low Pressure Sewer Systems
- Erosion control plans
Mark D. Reich, P.E.
Vice President -Treasurer
Principal Engineer/Project Manager
Mark is a graduate of North Carolina State University in Civil Engineering and performs civil engineering work at the highest professional level in the field and office. Mark is currently the Company Treasurer, a corporate stockholder and on the Board of Directors. He provides supervision of office and field personnel in the design, preparation of plans/specifications, and construction administration/observation of various engineering projects, including but not limited to the following:
- Town Engineer – Town of Haw River, Village of Alamance, N.C.
- Water projects
- Sewer projects
- Street design projects
- Sidewalk & Trail Projects
- Subdivision design (residential and industrial)
- Storm drainage & Stormwater Detention
- Site and grading plans
- Specifications for various commercial and industrial sites
- Low Pressure Sewer Systems
- Erosion control plans
- Pavement Evaluation
Joshua S. Johnson, P.E.
Vice President – Head of Engineering
Principal Engineer/Project Manager
Josh has been working in the civil engineering field since 2003. Josh has extensive experience with water, sewer, stormwater, grading, and erosion control projects. Josh has been heavily involved in the permitting, planning, implementation and daily operations of sanitary sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, and municipal stormwater programs. He was responsible for creating and implementing post-construction and illicit discharge programs for Phase II compliance in multiple municipalities. He is currently a member of the Stormwater Association of North Carolina, a member of the NC Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board, and a member of the NC League of Municipalities Regulatory Action Committee. Josh has certifications form NC DWR for Stormwater BMP Reviews and for Surface Water Identification. Josh serves as the Town Engineer for the Town of Gibsonville and the Town of Haw River. Josh has a broad basis of engineering experience and is qualified for the following project types:
- Town Engineer– Town of Elon, Town of Gibsonville, City of Graham
- Stormwater BMP Design and Construction
- Stormwater Program Implementation
- Stream Assessment and Regulation
- Stormwater Plan Review
- Residential Land Development
- Water and Sewer Utility Projects
- Collection & Distribution System Evaluation
- Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
- Commercial Land Development
- Site and Grading Plans
- Pollutant Loading Model Calculations
- Stormwater Utility Finance
- Water System Regulations and Compliance
- Erosion Control
- Floodway Studies
- CDBG Sewer Improvements
- Collection System Regulations and Compliance
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
David Lipe, P.E.
Kannapolis Office Manager
Principal Engineer/Project Manager
David is a graduate of North Carolina State University in Civil Engineering and has worked in the field since 1996. David joined AWCK in 2006 and is a company stockholder and project manager. His duties include client contacts, contract negotiations, meeting with client boards or councils, preliminary and final designs, preparation of specifications, construction administration, and project close-out. David’s professional background is in Transportation Engineering, and Transportation Construction Engineering Management and Inspection. He is responsible for project delivery from inception through final completion. David is familiar with NCDOT and FHWA requirements for transportation projects and is prequalified to perform design and CEI services on NCDOT funded projects.
- Prequalified with NCDOT for Design and CEI Services
- Transportation CIP Programs
- Transportation projects
- Street design projects
- Sidewalk projects
- Pavement Design and Management
- Pavement Condition Surveys
- Municipal Site Plan Review
- Subdivision design (residential and industrial)
- Storm drainage & Stormwater Detention
- Site and grading plans
- Erosion control plans
- Hydraulic Design
- Construction Administration and Project Management
Professional Staff
Jeffrey S. Johnson, AIA
Project Architect/Project Manager
Jeff is a company stock-holder and project manager on multiple projects. Responsibilities include: Project management, programming, code review, architect-client coordination, architect-consultant coordination, architectural design, construction documentation (drawings and specifications), cost estimates and construction administration.
Projects Involved:
- Park Design (Design of multi-use parks) for Yanceyville & Walkertown
- Alamance-Burlington School System (Design of school additions & renovations)
- Municipal Projects (Design of libraries, police stations, fire stations, town halls & community centers) for Graham, Roxboro, Wentworth & Mebane.
- Private Sector (Design of church, office and retail bldgs.) for St. Paul’s UMC, JR Factory Outlet, Glen Raven Mills, Madison River Communications, etc.
- NC Charter Schools (Design of school additions & renovations) Woods Charter School – Chapel Hill; Clover Garden Charter School – Clover Garden
G. Wesley Webb, P.E.
Project Manager
Wes is a graduate of Clemson University in Civil Engineering and has worked in the civil/environmental engineering field since 1985. Wes joined AWCK in 1993 and is a company stockholder and project manager. His duties include meeting with client boards or councils, preliminary and final designs, preparation of specifications, construction administration, and project close-out. He is responsible for project delivery from inception through final completion. He has a good working knowledge of the Corp of Engineers, NCDENR Water Quality and Land Quality, and FEMA regulations associated with stream impacts and the construction of bridges, culverts, and utilities. He is also familiar with NEPA Environmental Laws and Regulations, NCDOT standards and practices, and FEMA Floodplain Development policies and applies this knowledge to his project reviews, project design, and project management. For project design, he is responsible for Categorical Exclusion NEPA documentation, site grading design, roadway design, sediment and erosion control design, hydraulic analysis, storm drainage design, utility relocation design, environmental permit coordination.
- Stormwater BMP Design and Construction
- Stormwater Program Implementation
- Stream Assessment and Regulation
- Stormwater Plan Review
- Residential Land Development
- Water and Sewer Utility Projects
- Commercial Land Development
- Site and Grading Plans
- Stormwater Utility Finance
- Pollutant Loading Model Calculations
- Water System Regulations and Compliance
- Erosion Control
- Floodway Studies
- Collection System Regulations and Compliance
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
R. Dale Fink, P.E.
Project Manager
Dale is a 1983 graduate of North Carolina State University in Civil Engineering and has worked in the engineering and surveying field since 1978. Dale joined AWCK in 2019 and is a Project Engineer/Project Manager. His duties include management and supervision of a variety of staff including engineers, surveyors, CAD operators, construction observers, and technicians. Dale’s professional background includes all facets of residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional site development.
- Stormwater BMP Design
- Water and Sewer Utility Projects
- Street Design
- Storm Drainage Design
- Site and Grading Plans
- Erosion Control
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Commercial Land Development
- Residential Subdivisions
- Campus Infrastructure Improvement Design
- Preliminary Site Plans
- Construction Administration
- Project Permitting
Brent Mills, P.E.
Civil Engineer
Brent is a graduate of North Carolina State University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological and Environmental Engineering. Brent also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Management from NC State. Brent joined AWCK in 2015 and became a licensed Professional Engineer in May of 2019. Brent is presently involved with several sanitary sewer inflow and infiltration studies and rehabilitation projects. Brent also serves as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lead.
- Stormwater Projects
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Water Distribution Projects
- Sanitary Sewer Projects
- Land Development Projects
- Construction Observation
Paul D. Campbell, P.E.
Project Manager
Paul is a 1986 graduate of North Carolina State University in Engineering and has worked in the engineering field since 1987. Paul was Director of Engineering for the City of Concord for approximately 8 years. Paul joined AWCK in 2019 and is a Project Engineer/Project Manager. Paul’s professional background includes all facets of residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional site development. His duties include management and supervision of a variety of staff including engineers, surveyors, CAD operators, construction observers, and technicians.
- Residential Subdivisions
- Water and Sewer Utility Projects
- Street Design
- Storm Drainage Design
- Site and Grading Plans
- Erosion Control
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Stormwater BMP Design
- Commercial Land Development
- Campus Infrastructure Improvement Design
- Preliminary Site Plans
- Construction Administration
- Project Permitting
Clay Phillips, P.E.
Civil Engineer
Clay has been working in the civil engineering field since 2012. He has extensive knowledge in municipal/utility construction, specializing in pump station design. He has served as the lead application engineer for pump station upgrades for drinking water distribution and wastewater collection systems up to 25MGD. Clay also has experience in water and wastewater treatment plant construction. Clay has a broad basis of engineering experience in the following areas:
- Pump Station Design and Construction
- Pump Maintenance and Modifications
- Pump Station Controls
- Pump Station Optimization
- Excavation/Shoring Design
- Site and Grading Plans
- Erosion Control
- Water Treatment Plant Construction
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction
Duties Include:
- Pump Station Design
- Sewer System Evaluations
- Private Development Design
- Construction Inspection of water, sewer, streets, and sidewalk installation
Jeff Moody, P.E.
Civil Engineer
Jeff is a graduate of University of North Carolina at Charlotte in Civil Engineering and prior to retiring in early 2020, he had over 35 years of experience in civil/sanitary engineering and served as the Vice-President of the Company. He is involved with part time consulting work for AWCK.
- Stormwater Projects
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Water Distribution Projects
- Sanitary Sewer Projects
- Land Development Projects
- Construction Observation
Matt Cunningham, P.L.S.
Head of Kannapolis Surveying Department/ Professional Land Surveyor/Construction Inspector
Matt has worked in the construction field since 1984. Matt joined AWCK in 2007 and is a professional land surveyor. Matt is responsible for all the surveying needs for the Kannapolis Office. Matt performs location surveys, boundary surveys, ALTA/ASCM surveys, as-built surveys, topographic surveys, subdivision layout and design, parcel and subdivision mapping, wetland delineation location and mapping, GPS aerial mapping control, site plans, and mortgage loan surveys. In addition to surveying, Matt also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequalified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.
- Boundary Surveys
- ALTA / ASCM Surveys
- As-Built Surveys
- Topographic Surveys
- Legal Descriptions
- Subdivision Layout and Design
- Parcel and Subdivision Mapping / Plats
- Property Line Surveys (i.e. fence, driveway, etc. encroachments)
- Right of Way Surveys
- Construction Stakeout-Commercial & Residential Plot Plans
- Site Plans
- Flood Elevation Certificates (FEMA)
- Construction Materials Testing and Inspection
- Aerial Mapping Control (GPS)
- GPS Control
- GIS Surveying / Mapping (Terrasync & ArcView)
- Roadway Construction Stakeout
- Route Location Surveys
- Utility Location Surveys
- Subdivision design (residential and industrial)
- Storm drainage & Stormwater Detention
- Site and grading plans
- Erosion control plans
- Wetland Delineation Location & Mapping
M. Heath Williams, P.L.S.
Professional Land Surveyor / Head of Burlington Surveying Department
Responsible for coordinating fieldwork for engineers, architects, and other surveying for field crews. Extensive use of computers in generating surveys and maps for legal and recording purposes. Proficient in use of AutoCAD, Land Desktop, and Trimble Geomatic Office. Working toward implementing Civil 3D by 2017. Heath has been involved in and is qualified in the following types of surveying projects:
- Boundary Surveys
- ALTA / ASCM Surveys
- As-built Surveys
- Mortgage Loan Surveys
- Topographic Surveys
- Legal Descriptions
- Subdivision Layout and Design
- Right of Way Surveys
- GIS Surveying / Mapping (Terrasync and ArcView)
- IDDE Mapping for NPDES Phase II Stormwater
- Parcel and Subdivision Mapping / Plats
- Property Line Surveys (i.e. fence, driveway, encroachments, etc.)
- Construction Stakeout – Commercial and Residential
- Plot Plans
- Site Plans
- Monitoring Well Location
- Cemetery Lot Marker Design and Placement
- Flood Elevation Certificates (FEMA)
- Wetland Delineation Location and Mapping
- Aerial Mapping Control (GPS)
- GPS Control
Gary R. Parrish, P.L.S.
Professional Land Surveyor
Gary has experience in surveying since 1979, after graduating from Elon College. Through the years he has accrued extensive field experience in a wide variety of types of surveys including boundary, route (seven years with NCDOT), topographical, subdivision, ALTA, GPS, site plan and construction stakeout as well as proficient use of surveying hardware, software and Autocad in calculating and drafting surveys and resulting plats. Gary received his PLS in 1992 and is a company stockholder. Job activities include the following:
- Boundary Surveys
- ALTA / ASCM Surveys
- As-built Surveys
- Mortgage Loan Surveys
- Topographic Surveys
- Legal Descriptions
- Subdivision Layout and Design
- Right of Way Surveys
- GIS Surveying / Mapping (Terrasync and ArcView)
- IDDE Mapping for NPDES Phase II Stormwater
- Parcel and Subdivision Mapping / Plats
- Property Line Surveys (i.e. fence, driveway, encroachments, etc.)
- Construction Stakeout – Commercial and Residential
- Plot Plans
- Site Plans
- Monitoring Well Location
- Cemetery Lot Marker Design and Placement
- Flood Elevation Certificates (FEMA)
- Wetland Delineation Location and Mapping
- Aerial Mapping Control (GPS)
- GPS Control
V. Lee Austin
Construction Inspector
Lee has worked in the construction field since 1991. He worked for NCDOT in the Albemarle Resident Engineer’s Office early in his career inspecting TIP work. Lee has been employed as a CEI technician inspecting large NCDOT TIP projects and working with Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities inspecting water, sewer, Cats Light Rail, and numerous other projects. Lee is very familiar with NCDOT specifications and standards and has inspected a wide variety of construction projects including water, sewer, site plans, grading, structures, bridges, and all phases of roadway construction. After joining AWCK in March 2010, Lee has been the project inspector on an ARRA Stimulus project and a CMAQ project. Lee is responsible for specification compliance, construction quality assurance, daily construction reports, sediment control inspections, contract quantity verification, Davis-Bacon labor rate compliance, and safety compliance.
Project Related Experience:
- NCDOT ARRA Stimulus Project EB-3308 Grants Creek Greenway Phase II, City of Salisbury
- NCDOT CMAQ Project C-4920A&B-Town of Mt. Pleasant Sidewalks
- NCDOT ARRA Stimulus Project U-4741 MA-Town of Rural Hall Sidewalks
- NCDOT I-77– 8.9 miles of widening from I-85 to the proposed I-485 interchange
- NCDOT US Hwy 1– 12.5 miles of new roadway in Moore and Lee Counties
- NCDOT I-85– widening to eight lanes from Sugar Creek Rd. to Speedway Blvd
- NCDOT I-485– roadway construction at NC Hwy 49 in Charlotte
Roger D. Baldwin
Construction Observer
Roger has approximately 27 years of construction-related experience. Roger has been an architect technician in the architectural department since 2007. For the past 2 years, Roger has been providing inspection services on multiple projects and is currently signed up for additional NCDOT technician certifications.
Field Inspection Experience:
- Town of Elon – Station at Mill Pointe, Cable Square
- Town of Swepsonville – Alfred Road Water Line Improvements
- City of Mebane – Mill Lofts Sidewalk, Parking Lot Improvements at Clay Street, 2011 Resurfacing Contract, Copperstone Development, Collington Farms Development, Circle Drive Water Improvements
Duties Include:
- Work under the guidance and direction of office engineers
- Check shop drawings
- Prepare daily inspection reports
- Perform field inspection on streets, curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drains, sanitary sewer, water lines, water meters, hydrants, service lines, erosion control devices and related utilities and structures
- Verify work complete/correct quantity of material used for pay applications
Randy C. Casper, EIT
Engineering Intern/Construction Inspector
Randy has a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee and has worked in the Civil Engineering field since 1997. Randy joined AWCK in 2000 and is an Engineering Intern and has experience in the Civil Engineering field concentrating on plan production and design of water, sewer, subdivisions, site and grading plans, erosion control plans, and roadway plans. Randy’s experience in roadway design includes the design of both municipal and private streets. He is very familiar with NCDOT specifications and design procedures. He is proficient with Microstation and the InRoads Suite for roadway design. Randy is also proficient with the US Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS software for performing hydraulic analyses and flood studies.
In addition to his design experience, he also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequalified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.
- Stormwater BMP Design and Construction
- Stormwater Program Implementation
- Stream Assessment and Regulation
- Stormwater Plan Review
- Residential Land Development
- Water and Sewer Utility Projects
- Commercial Land Development
- Site and Grading Plans
- Urban and Rural Roadway Design
- Stormwater Phase II Regulations
- Stormwater Plan Review
- Erosion Control
- FEMA Floodway Studies
- Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Municipal Site Plan Review
- Construction Materials Testing and Inspection
Wally D. Fox
Civil Engineering Technician
Wally has approximately 32 years of experience in performing civil engineering tasks at the highest professional level in the field and office. Wally provides computer design and preparation of plans/specifications for various projects, including but not limited to the following:
- Preliminary Plans
- Water projects
- Sewer projects
- Street design projects
- Sidewalk projects
- Subdivision design (residential and industrial)
- Storm drainage & Stormwater Detention
- Site and grading plans
- Specifications for various commercial and industrial sites
- Low Pressure Sewer Systems
- Erosion control plans
A. Mark McGregor
Construction Manager/Inspector
Mark has an A.A.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Central Virginia Community College and an Associate’s Degree in Construction Management from Central Piedmont Community College. Mark has worked in the construction field since 1981. Mark joined AWCK in 2000 and serves as the Inspection Services Manager. His primary role is in Construction Observation and Contract Administration. His day to day involvement with projects has provided him with extensive experience with handling public concerns and dealing with contractor conflicts. His ability to provide proper documentation ensures a streamlined project. Mark is also involved in our site plan review and quality control process. Mark is certified for ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade 1, NCDOT Concrete Field Technician (Testing), NCDOT QMS Roadway Technician and as an instructor with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. In addition to his construction management experience, he also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequalified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.
- Briarcliff Subdivision
- Kannapolis Parkway Widening
- Rogers Lake Road
- Barr Road Widening/Fire Station #5
- Construction Materials Testing and Inspection
- NC Hwy 3 (Dale Earnhardt Blvd) Waterline Installation
- U-2009AA, AB, BA, and BB
- Municipal Infrastructure Construction Projects
- Cost Estimating
Ryan King
Construction Observer
Ryan has been involved in construction since his graduation from NC State University in 2001. Ryan has extensive experience with asphalt paving, storm drainage installation, curb and gutter installation, and sidewalk construction. Ryan recently joined Alley, Williams, Carmen, and King and is completing the NCDOT certification process for asphalt and concrete testing and inspections. Ryan’s role with AWCK includes street, utility, and sidewalk observation.
Field Inspection Experience:
City of Mebane –
- Arrowhead Green
- White’s Furniture
- Cambridge Park
- NCIC Phase 3
Duties Include:
- Work under the guidance and direction of office engineers.
- Assist in plan review.
- Check shop drawings.
- Prepare daily inspection reports.
- Perform field inspection on streets, curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drains, sanitary sewer, water lines, water meters, hydrants, service lines, erosion control devices and related utilities and structures.
- Verify work complete/correct quantity of material used for pay applications.
- Pavement evaluation and marking for resurfacing.
S. Craig Robertson
Construction Observation/Survey Crew Party Chief
Craig has approximately 30 years of construction experience in performing surveying, and construction observation related tasks. Craig was a longtime survey party chief and began working as a construction observer on NCDOT and municipal projects in 2011.
Field Inspection Experience:
- Town of Elon – E. Haggard Sidewalk Improvements
- City of Mebane – 2011 Street Resurfacing Improvements
- NCDOT Project# I-2304 – I-85 Realignment and Bridge over Yadkin River in Davidson & Rowan Counties (worked under certified QMS Roadway Inspector)
- Town of Gibsonville Municipal Inspections-2015
- Town of Elon Municipal Inspections-2015
Duties Include:
- Preparation of Daily Inspection Reports
- Project Diary Reports
- Pay Record Books
- Receiving Materials
- Conducting Wage Rate Interviews
- Assist Engineer with Payment Requests, Supplemental Agreements, Final Inspection & Project Acceptance.
- Inspection for compliance with NCDOT requirements with Materials & Testing Unit, erosion control, traffic control, Project plan & specifications.
- Construction Observation of water, sewer, streets and sidewalk installation
Jon Pendergraph
Engineering Technician
Jon earned his degree from East Carolina University in Industrial Engineering Technology in 2019 and started with Alley, Williams, Carmen and King Inc. shortly before graduation. While in college, Jon completed several research projects on utility utilizations and site planning/development. In his time at AWCK, Jon has completed tasks in the field as well as design work. Jon has experience in municipal government and utilities as he previously worked for the City of Mebane. His primary focus was on pump stations and flow tracking but he also helped with budget proposals and field experience with utility repairs. In his time at AWCK, Jon has worked on the following project types:
- Water Line Design and Construction
- Sewer Line Construction
- Sewer Rehabilitation
- Strom Line Design and Construction
- Construction Inspection
- GIS Exhibit Mapping
- Stormwater BMP Construction
Duties Include:
- Preparation of Daily Inspection Reports
- Assist Engineer with Payment Requests, Supplemental Agreements, Final Inspection & Project Acceptance.
- Inspection for compliance with NCDOT requirements with Materials & Testing Unit, erosion control, traffic control, Project plan & specifications.
- Construction Inspection of water, sewer, streets, and sidewalk installation