Town of Elon—Water System Enhancement Projects
AWCK has assisted the Town of Elon with multiple domestic water main extensions. AWCK has produced construction drawings, specifications and bid documents for the projects below, which total approximately 3,000 LF of new water main that has been installed within the last five years. AWCK is also working with the Town to replace 400 LF of existing 2” galvanized water main in downtown and within the N.C. Railroad Right-of-Way with 8” ductile iron pipe. This water main on Lebanon Avenue will be completed in 2014.
University Drive Water Extension (2009): 2,200 LF of 12” new water main.
Elon School—Holland House Improvements (2009): 800 LF of 8” water main replacement.
West Lebanon Water Improvements (2014): 400 LF of 8” water main replacement.
Project Contact: Mr. Donnie Wood
Assistant Public Works Director & ORC – Town of Elon
Project Manager: Franz Holt, P.E.
Project Engineer: Josh Johnson, P.E.