
NPDES Phase II Permit Application and Implementation

NPDES Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Mapping

Public Outreach and Education Program Creation and Implementation

Public Involvement and Participation Program Creation and Implementation

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Creation and Implementation

Post-Construction Site Runoff Program Creation and Implementation

Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program Creation and Implementation

NPDES Phase II Annual Reporting

Studies of Stormwater Fees for Creation of Stormwater Utilities

Mapping of Impervious Areas on a Municipal Wide Basis

Calculation of Nutrient Loading Rates

401/404 Stream Permitting

Traditional Structural (BMP) Design, Permitting, and Construction Services

Innovate Structural (BMP) Design, Permitting, and Construction Services

Municipal Stormwater Plan Review

Surface Water Identification for NC DEQ

Stream Stabilization and Restoration Design, Permitting, and Construction Services

Erosion Control Design, Permitting, and Construction Services

Municipal Erosion Control Review

Nutrient Reduction Plan Creations, Permitting, and Implementation

CWMTF Grant and Mini-Grant Applications


Key Stormwater Erosion Control Certifications

4 NC DWQ Certified Stormwater Plan Reviewers

2 NC DWQ Certified Surface Water Identifiers

2 NCSU BAE Certified Stormwater BMP Inspectors

2 NCDOT Certified Erosion Control Designers

1 NCDOT Certified Erosion Control Inspector