Key Staff
Matt Cunningham, P.L.S.
Professional Land Surveyor/Construction Inspector
Matt is a graduate of Central Piedmont Community College with an Associate Degree in Surveying Technology and has over 25 years of experience in surveying. Matt is a professional land surveyor. Matt is responsible for all the surveying needs for the Kannapolis Office. Matt performs locations surveys, boundary surveys, ALTA/ASCM surveys, As-built surveys, topographic surveys, subdivision layout and design, parcel and subdivision mapping, wetland delineation location and mapping, GPS aerial mapping control, site plans, and mortgage loan surveys. In addition to surveying, Matt also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequailified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.
Randy Casper, E.I.
Engineering Intern/Construction Inspector
Randy has a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee with more than 18 years’ experience. He is an Engineering Intern and has experience in the Civil Engineering field concentrating on plan production and design of water, sewer, subdivisions, site and grading plans, erosion control plans, and roadway plans. Randy’s experience in roadway design includes the design of both municipal and private streets. He is very familiar with NCDOT specifications and design procedures. He is proficient with Microstation and the InRoads Suite for roadway design. Randy is also proficient with the US Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS software for performing hydraulic analyses and flood studies.
In addition to his design experience, he also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequailified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.

Joshua S. Johnson, P.E.
Project Engineer/Construction Inspector
Josh has been working in the civil engineering field since 2003. Josh has extensive experience with water, sewer, stormwater, grading, and erosion control projects. Josh has been heavily involved in the permitting, planning, implementation and daily operations of sanitary sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, and municipal stormwater programs. He was responsible for creating and implementing post-construction and illicit discharge programs for Phase II compliance in multiple municipalities. He is currently a member of the Stormwater Association of North Carolina, a member of the NC Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board, and a member of the NC League of Municipalities Regulatory Action Committee. Josh has certifications form NC DWR for Stormwater BMP Reviews and for Surface Water Identification.
David Lipe, P.E.
Professional Engineer/Project Manager/Construction Engineer
David is a graduate of N. C. State University in Civil Engineering and has over 16 years of experience in civil engineering. David is a company stockholder and project manager. His duties include client contacts, contract negotiations, meeting with client boards or councils, preliminary and final designs, preparation of specifications, construction administration, and project close-out. David’s professional background is in Transportation Engineering, and Transportation Construction Engineering Management and Inspection. He is responsible for project delivery from inception through final completion. David is familiar with NCDOT and FHWA requirements for transportation projects and is prequalified to perform design and CEI services on NCDOT funded projects.
Lee Austin
Project Inspector
Lee has over 19 years of experience in the construction business. He worked for NCDOT in the Albemarle Resident Engineer’s Office early in his career inspecting TIP work. Lee has been employed as a CEI technician inspecting large NCDOT TIP projects and working with Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities inspecting water, sewer, Cats Light Rail, and numerous other projects. Lee is very familiar with NCDOT specifications and standards and has inspected a wide variety of construction projects including water, sewer, site plans, grading, structures, bridges, and all phases of roadway construction. After joining AWCK in March 2010, Lee has been the project inspector on an ARRA Stimulus project and a CMAQ project. Lee is responsible for specification compliance, construction quality assurance, daily construction reports, sediment control inspections, contract quantity verification, Davis-Bacon labor rate compliance, and safety compliance.
Mark McGregor
Construction Manager/Inspector
Mark has an A.A.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Central Virginia Community College and an Associate’s Degree in Construction Management from Central Piedmont Community College. Mark serves as the Inspection Services Manager. He has over 27 years of experience in the construction business. His primary roll is in Construction Observation and Contract Administration. His day to day involvement with projects has provided him with extensive experience with handling public concerns and dealing with contractor conflicts. His ability to provide proper documentation ensures a streamline project. Mark is also involved in our site plan review and quality control process. Mark is certified for ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade 1, NCDOT Concrete Field Technician (Testing), NCDOT QMS Roadway Technician and as an instructor with the National Center for Construction Education and Research. In addition to his construction management experience, he also serves as a project inspector. He holds various NCDOT inspection certifications and is prequailified for inspection services on NCDOT funded projects.
Roger D. Baldwin
Construction Observer
Roger has approximately 27 years of construction related experience. Roger has been an architect technician in the architectural department since 2007. For the past 2 years, Roger has been providing inspection services on multiple projects and is currently signed up for additional NCDOT technician certifications.

Ryan King
Construction Manager/Inspector
Ryan has been involved in construction since his graduation from NC State University in 2001. Ryan has extensive experience with asphalt paving, storm drainage installation, curb and gutter installation, and sidewalk construction. Ryan recently joined Alley, Williams, Carmen, and King and is completing the NCDOT certification process for asphalt and concrete testing and inspections. Ryan’s role with AWCK includes street, utility, and sidewalk observation.
S. Craig Robertson
Construction Observation/Survey Crew Party Chief
Craig has approximately 30 years of construction experience in performing surveying, and construction observation related tasks. Craig was a longtime survey party chief and began working as a construction observer on NCDOT and municipal projects in 2011.